Saturday, April 11, 2009

Branding and Buegrass Music

Branding & Bluegrass Music: Confessions of an Armchair Marketing Guru

by Brandi Hart

They say necessity is the mother of invention – or reinvention.
As a bluegrass artist, I’ve got to agree. By necessity, I’ve reinvented myself any number of times, and I imagine that many folks in the bluegrass community are like me: We’ve become our own webmasters, managers, publicists, administrators, graphic designers, stylists and armchair marketing gurus. (Oh, and somewhere in there, we still make time to play music….)

Recently I found myself in a Nashville conference room, among 25 like-minded people. For three days of intensive workshops, we all scribbled notes while panelists discussed the state of the music industry –and bluegrass music, in particular. The program, known as Leadership Bluegrass, tackled the music business from every possible angle. But most of what was covered can be summed up in one word: reinvention. Read more-

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