Sunday, November 16, 2008

IBMA Award Winners, Question

A Friend, who follows Bluegrass closely asked me the following question:

"I'm curious.I've always thought that Kristen Scott Benson was a solid banjo player, but what happened during the past year for her to be voted Banjo Player of the Year?"

My response, without disrespect to Kristin or any other winner past or present winner follows:

"I have no idea. she had no new release, until now, and playing with Larry Stephenson was a good gig, but not high profile. It seems to me that the diverse IBMA membership seems to "decide" to shake things up from time to time. This seems to be the case with Dale Ann Bradley also.
Both are great talents, but not "out there," at least until they win. The same applies to Phil Leadbetter, I believe.

I think their is an unspoken and maybe unrecognised sense of fairness in the collective membership. How else can you explain Del, Cherryholmes and Rhonda, being shut out?

Remember the voting process.

Round one - A blank ballot, where you who must vote for five per category.

Round two - All candidates who reach a predetermined threshold are listed, again vote for five.

Round three - The top five are nominated. At this point, I believe many vote using two criteria. Who has won enough, and who's turn is it?

Your thoughts on this, or any post are welcome. Please comment.

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