Saturday, January 2, 2010

David McLaughlin Benefit Fund

This has not been generally known but David McLaughlin suffered a near total hearing loss four years ago.

With the passage of time and with very powerful hearing aids David now has limited hearing, but still inadequate for a musician.
David has recently found a device called the Octicon Dual, when used with a companion device the Octicon Streamer has returened his hearing to near normal. This device is 'on loan' and carries a $7000 price tag, beyond David's current means.

Claire Lynch has set up a benefit fund to aid in the purchase. If you are so inclined checks can be mailed to Claire's assistant:
David McLaughlin Fund
% Jennifer Hardiman
805 E. College St.
Pulaski TN 38478

From Claire's e mail to me: ... "I've done something I've never attempted to do before - I've set up a benefit fund to raise $7000. for my friend, David McLaughlin (formerly of the Johnson Mountain Boys) so that he can purchase hearing devices which will allow him to play music again since his sudden and near-total hearing loss four years ago. If you are interested in knowing more, please follow this link which John Lawless so graciously posted on The Bluegrass Blog and open your heart for this friend and fellow-musician!"

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