Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bluegrass in Parade Magazine

Ed Kemmick, Billings Gazette
published: 02/07/2010

The Prairie Winds Cafe in Molt, Mont., seats 56, which is about four times the population of Molt itself. Yet on most Saturday mornings, every seat is taken, and another 15 or 20 people are standing in the hallway near the kitchen, patiently awaiting their turns.

It's not just Fran Urfer's pies that bring people in. Nor is it simply the setting--a tiny island of commerce in a sea of rolling grassland that runs to the foot of the Crazy Mountains in south-central Montana. What draws folks from miles around--and from every state in the nation and 42 foreign countries, according to the guest book--is the live music played there on Saturday mornings from 9 to noon. Full story...

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