Sunday, February 14, 2010


Claire's Letter
It's been an unusual week in Nashville...a few inches of snow came down like feathers on Sunday... then a little bit of sleet.... So I and most of my neighbors have been "snowed in" for a winter reprieve. But that's not the only unusual circumstance I find myself in! No, something more engaging ensues... a band transition. Most everyone already knows - but I'm now making my official announcement. The Claire Lynch Band is saying goodbye to Jim Hurst. It was 1995 when Jim came to an audition at the Quality Inn near Music Row in Nashville. He had just finished a few years of touring with Trisha Yearwood and was looking to re-explore his bluegrass roots heritage. Jim was coming "home" and we were there to greet him, lucky for us! I've told the story many times from stage about our first meeting. He commenced to playing his own flattop version of "Wheel Hoss", the great Bill Monroe classic. After we picked our jaws up off from the floor, we offered him the job in what was then Claire Lynch and the Front Porch String Band. The music was never the same again. Jim is what I consider genius level as a player and a thinker. He's quick on his feet - he's got tons of music swimming around in that head of his, and like he once told me, "if you had that in you, you'd want it out, too!" Add to that, his amazing vocal ability as a harmony and lead-singer and his creativity, and you've got a musical force of unparalleled nature! But even though Jim's rare talent and abilities have been enough to allow him to do whatever he wanted musically - he's always been the team-player. There were many times he put my needs and the needs of this band first. He's the quintessential professional, sideman and one-man-band. It's been a blessing beyond what I ever dreamed to have frequently shared the stage with him these 15 years. I'm happy to see Jim take his talent on the road as a solo artist because it's in that pared-down setting where friends and fans will be able to hear each delicate nuance of his performance. There was a moment in upstate New York just a couple of years ago when all was quiet after the gig. Just a few of us were standing around when Jim pulled out his new Jim Hurst model Gallagher and sang "Danny Boy". He had recorded it on "Second Son" a few years earlier and had dedicated it to his dad. That was just one of the moments I realized how much heart and soul came out of Jim when he played. I couldn't help but quietly weep. And since Jim decided to leave us just before the holidays, I've had to do a lot of thinking and rearranging for the days ahead. The end of an era has come. But Jim always was the first one to encourage me to take stock of my own I'm following his advice. I'm carrying on and letting the music speak for itself. And it's a wonderful thing to know that I'm still flanked by two amazing players who also blow my mind nightly - Jason Thomas and Mark Schatz. An announcement of our new band member is just over the horizon, so please be looking for that very soon! In the meantime, I'd like to bid this fond farewell to one guy I hope will always be my friend -here on earth and through Eternity. To quote a Pierce Pettis song from our New Day project, "... life's a mystery and a surprise...!" Good bye Jim! We love you and will miss you. All the best of luck and blessings to you in the days ahead!~Claire
Jim's LetterTo all of you who are Claire's fans, to those who have come to be familiar with me over the many years, and to those of you who have taken a liking to me and my musical efforts... Thank you! Thank you for all the times you've shared with us at performances, at the CD table, music camps; thanks for voting for us to receive awards and supporting us in what we all are trying so hard to do. It is you who make all of this possible and we don't tell you that often enough. And I hope the following doesn't cause you to think differently about me, or disappoint you too badly, but it is time I said farewell to Claire and the Claire Lynch Band. Not an easy thing to do as I have been working with Claire for most of the last 15 years. From August 1995 until December 1999, I was a member of Claire Lynch and The Front Porch String Band. I joined Claire, Larry, Michael McLain and Missy Raines to travel up and down the highways and byways of this country, and in England and Japan. In 1998 Missy and I, upon hearing that Claire would take a hiatus from the road, launched the Jim and Missy duo, and I had a great time working with one of the gentle ladies of mankind and certainly of music until 2006. We feathered the launch of the duo to coincide with what would be the ending of Claire Lynch and The Front Porch String Band, and we also feathered our retiring of the duo to coincide with the new Claire Lynch Band as we joined her again in 2005. If I am not mistaken, I am Claire's most tenured employee. It has been an adventure and a learning. I always approached my position in her bands as a support role, and I believe I did it as well as could be expected. I feel that I have done my job as I would've wanted someone to work for me. I am thankful for the opportunity to stand on stage with one of this world's gifts from God: Claire's voice. To get to hear Claire sing night after night and to make good music along with other band mates to support her is something I'll remember always. My belief is that God gave Claire the gift of her lovely voice to share with us, and you, and everyone else who would listen. That gift (and other gifts) allows us to be taken away from the everyday stresses and trials of life, and have at least a momentary glimmer of joy and amazement, and to again realize that there is good in the world. Thank you Claire. Thank you God. I have so enjoyed the music and watching the ever appreciative fans as they listen to Claire's music and her art, her gift. However, my time in her band has run its due course and as such I must depart. So here I am standing at the threshold of a new venture, saying farewell and looking toward the horizon of my musical possibilities. I greet the new day, the new year, and the future possibilities with joy, nervous excitement, and the intention to follow what God might offer me. I feel that He is the best that there is for us to receive. I plan on creating music and working to support my home with as many opportunities as I can find. I have been working as a solo performer for some time while trying to balance that with my dedication to Claire's efforts and her calendar. Now that I won't have that responsibility, I can stretch my wings, fingers, and vocal chords as I see fit. I can focus on my musical efforts and dedicate my calendar to me. My wonderful and beautiful wife, Judy, will be alongside me as she helps me in my bookings and we share our lives together. We are looking forward to what the future holds for us.As I say good bye to Mark, Jason, and Claire, I wish them and the new CLB member good luck and good fortune as they venture on I'll miss the good times and the good music. I'll remember the time with them forever, and will always be here if any of them should need to call on me. As friends and band mates, we are part of the history of Claire's music, and that of acoustic music. I also invite you, all of you, to join me whenever I am near you in performance, workshops, or music camps. I hope you consider to sign-up for my e-newsletter mailing list by going to my website. I have a website performance calendar as well, so you can stay up to date as you wish. So, thank you Claire, Jason, Mark, and all of you for the ride. Thank you for allowing me to be a part. Fondly,~Jim

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